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10 Day Detox for Manifesting Abundance

I was sitting in Wombversation one evening after experiencing intense cramping even though my cycle wasn't due for another 2 weeks. During my Wombversation session I was seeking guidance from the Most High for the answer to raising the vibration, gaining clarity, and increasing the financial wealth of my business.

During the meditation I received the recipe for an intense 10 day complete detoxification of the mind, body, and spirit. I knew that this was going to be the start of something amazing and I was moved to share it with my collective. That evening I birthed the 10 Day Detox for manifesting abundance and wealth in your life and your business.

Join us as we manifest the life we desire.

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These are the words that rang in my ears right after I received the message of it being time to purge the old in order to make space for the new abundance that I was shown is headed towards the collective.  This detoxification process is intense, because what we are praying for and visualizing is wealth that surpasses what you could have ever imagined you would be able to manifest, and for that to happen, there's going to be some sacrifice that is required on your part.


Once you sign on the form below you will receive an email invite to our LIVE introductory Zoom where you will meet the other Empresses who are joining the 10 day detox, you will learn the details for the detox itself, and you will be given the detoxification manifestation packet to help ensure your success during this time. There will be a new cycle starting every 5 days so you will join the next scheduled rotation according to the date you sign-up. The full schedule will be included in the email you will receive after signing up at the link above.


What you can expect:

-Nightly LIVE Zoom meet-ups/pow wows with the other women in the detox challenge

-Affirmations for Manifestation printout (the key to aligning your mindset with abundance)

-10 days of eating high vibrational foods to feed the mind, clear the body of toxins, and nourish the body while regaining balance.

-Spiritual baths to stabilize the energy, clean the auric field, and align the mind with your heart and womb.

-Guided spiritual practices to assist with manifesting your desires.

-Sisterhood and encouragement with positive, like-minded women building Empires in their business.

detox collectiive form

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