IT'S TIME! You have waited long enough, you have petitioned the Most High and Universe long enough, you have cried out to the Creator in the middle of the night when you thought no one could hear you long enough, you have even doubted, had faith, and began to lose it at times all over again because it felt like there was never going to be anything to assist you out of your current situation. Well Queen, I have good news for you! Our paths have aligned for a reason, you saw my post for a reason, and it's time for you to align with your abundance. As mentioned in the video you just watched, I will be starting a Millionaire Mindset Masterclass on May 7th, the next new moon. I am going to dedicate the next 30 days to helping you to clear out the blockages/limiting thoughts and align yourself with abundance. This masterclass will be a mix of some LIVE Zoom meetups and some written/video recordings you will gain access to once you purchase the masterclass. This session will go from May 7th to June 6th. The intention is to start this powerful womb work on the new moon and to end it on the new moon because the new moon holds the energy of new beginnings and that's exactly what we're calling in. Once you purchase the masterclass you will receive 2 emails. The first email will be an invite to join the masterclass which is where you will log in on May 4th to prepare for the session starting on the 7th. There will be 3 days of intention-setting and energy work that will lead up to the opening of the masterclass. The second email will be the guide to the masterclass and will explain the full schedule to you. I am honored you are joining me on this journey and I can't wait to assist you on your journey to a MILLI! If you have any questions please feel free to email me at hadidah@yoniloveherbals.com.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app