2: Weekday Yoni Steaming Certification
Master the ancient technique of yoni steaming in this intensive weekend certification session.
Service Description
Our in person Yoni Steaming Certification program is a 9-module course that teaches the basics of yoni steaming, the herbs used in womb healing and techniques for helping clients to establish hormonal balance in the body using techniques learned from various indigenous tribes around the world. Yoni Love Herbals is now working with entrepreneurs who desire to build a lucrative yoni steaming business created to generate residual income while helping women to heal their wombs naturally of common womb ailments. When you get certified with Yoni Love Herbals, you gain a comprehensive knowledge of the techniques used for centuries in indigenous communities to offer women natural solutions for womb health concerns, you will learn our 3-step womb healing system called "Wombverstion" and master the blueprint for establishing and successfully running a yoni steaming business in your area. All classes are held in group sessions LIVE at our Philadelphia headquarters, so you will be able to establish study partners, interact with your instructor LIVE, and complete projects and course requirements in a group setting. Students also get access to subscription boxes for their customers to assist with building additional residual income streams in their business, and discounted Yoni steaming supplies including wholesale herbal blends and products for business start-up. Yoni Love Herbals is your one-stop-shop for starting and successfully scaling a yoni steaming business built to generate residual income, provide you with freedom of time, and get out of the rat race of working 9 to 5 schedules and into the freedom of entrepreneurialism. Enrolling in the YLH Yoni Steaming Certification session of your choice gives you the flexibility of attending classes during the weekday or on the weekends, whichever fits your schedule the best. Our students love our in-person sessions because in addition to attending class on your free time, students network and build relationships with fellow entrepreneurs, and interact with the instructor directly. Following the purchase of this course, you will receive an email with login information for TheWombniverse, Yoni Love Herbals' online learning platform, and course guidelines. All students will receive a Certificate of Completion once they have completed all of the course modules, clinical assessment, and 3 practice steaming appointments on clients.
Contact Details
1046 Duncan Ave, Lansdowne, PA, USA