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Birth Worker- Yoni Steaming Certification- JULY SEMESTER

  • 30 Weeks
  • 97 Steps


Becoming a certified Yoni Steaming Facilitator is literally a "charge" from the Universe and every village elder who has ever steamed women in the bush of Africa, helping women heal their wombs from past and present trauma. It's a POWERFUL position and a BIG deal! Becoming a Certified YSF means that you will be equipped with the sacred knowledge of the elders and will be able to pass this knowledge on to the customers and women around you and help to change the current state of women's reproductive health. Fibroids, Polycystic ovaries, Endometriosis, chronic Yeast/ BV infections, and infertility are some of the leading causes of hysterectomy in women in the US every year. Hadidah Williams, CEO of the Wombniverse is working hard to change this current condition by training women around the world as Yoni Steaming Facilitators. Yoni Steaming works on the physical ailments present in the womb while addressing the psychological and emotional imbalances that caused the dis-ease, therefore providing holistic healing. In our Yoni Steaming Facilitator Training, you will be taught everything you need to know about the practice of yoni steaming, receive an intense study of the healing herbs used in the steaming process, learn how to attract clients to your business, and receive in-depth insight on how to jump-start your business as a Yoni Steaming Facilitator.

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Empresses Birthing Their Yoni Steaming Business

Empresses Birthing Their Yoni Steaming Business

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