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  • 30 Weeks
  • 92 Steps


The use of herbs to heal, connect with Mother Earth/Divine source, manage/stabilize our menstrual cycles and hormonal imbalances throughout the month, and assist us in living a life of empowered action rather than reactionary cycles of helplessness when it comes to Western medical practices is something that has been used for centuries by women around the world. Unfortunately with the rise of medical procedures and the Pharmaceutical industry, a lot of this herbal knowledge and practice has been pushed to the background in order to push the agenda of big pharma forward. But in the energy of so many people desiring to "return to their roots", the use of herbs in everyday life has begun to rebalance itself, especially with the energy of the Divine Feminine around the world. It is my desire to reintroduce you to some of the ancient practices of healing through the in-depth study of the physical and spiritual use of herbs, to help you reconnect to their guiding/healing energy, and awaken the inner wise woman laying dormant inside of you in order to bring a new energy of optimal health and divine energetics/healing to the Divine Feminine energy all over the world. Welcome to Divine Herbal Connections and the beginning of your sacred journey as a "Wise Wombman"!

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