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Birthing Your Business is a 5-week intense "incubator" designed to assist you in building your business's foundation and framework to achieve 6-figures in your business in as little as 6-months. 


I'm well aware that there are tons of "coaching programs" out there that promise you the world in your business endeavors, but instead leave you feeling unfulfilled and lost, not to mention financially drained. But the "Birthing Your Business" incubator isn't meant to be a coaching program for you to join and only gain a few "tips" that you can easily find on Youtube if you search hard enough. This incubator is designed to help each participant actually experience personal and business growth, and to individually:

  • Develop a strong connection between your mind, your heart, and your womb to manifest your business's success from the creative power of your womb and direct your business's growth using your womb intuition.
  • Build active, passive, and residual streams of income in your business.
  • To network with other She.E.O.s, in a drama-free, feminine-energy-charged environment, where everyone is supportive of each other.
  • To help you to align your business concept with your passion, which will help you to align with your life's purpose, and yield profit for you in an evergreen system.
  • To teach you how to turn business "goals" into business "outcomes" that yield REAL, tangible results in your business, and systems to ensure your success as your business expands over the next year.
  • Help you to fully develop the vision for your business and the blueprint of how it will become successful.
  • Assists you with gaining capital from angel investors and hard money lenders.
  • Assists you in developing your product/service for winning grants and start-up business funding.
  • Establish your business credit and assist you with your personal credit (if needed).
  • Create and set into action your 3-year projection plan for your personal and business goals, and to get rid of any debt you may currently have.
  • Get access to one-on-one business guidance to assist you with building your business beyond the "start-up" phase.
  • Teaches techniques for creating a content calendar and industry secrets for marketing your product/service to guarantee sales, and tons of other jewels.



The incubator will be held for 5 weeks as a LIVE training session on Thursdays from 8pm-930pm EST. You will receive homework weekly that will need to be completed and submitted weekly before class the next class. This is an INTENSE study group, meaning you will be made to work. THIS IS FOR QUEENS WHO ARE SERIOUS ABOUT BUILDING THEIR BUSINESS. If you aren't serious, DO NOT JOIN.


Students who fail to complete homework assignments or group projects or who miss class without prior notice will be removed from the group. You will be held accountable for what you say you want to accomplish. Know that every statement above is made with love, and not in a malicious way, but there is a strict policy of "no-nonsense" because in order to birth a business in 5-weeks, and actually start to see fruits yielded from the seeds you plant during this session, it will take for the ground to remain fertile and nourished, which can only happen if EVERYONE in the group is pushing towards their success at the same intensity/level of commitment. It is my job to make sure this remains a fertile and safe space for everyone involved.


I believe that you have everything you need to be successful already inside of you, my job is to just help you to discover the gifts and jewels that are buried within, so they can be birthed into this reality. THIS IS GOING TO BE AMAZING!

Birthing Your Business- The 5-week Incubator

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