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Yoni Steaming Certification

The complete training for aspiring Yoni Steaming practitioners/facilitators who desire to start and run successful yoni steaming businesses.

Become a certified Yoni steaming facilitator with Yoni Love Herbals and build your yoni steaming business beyond 6 figures within your first year with our proven system.

Yoni Love Herbals is the industry-leading yoni steaming brand dedicated to helping their customers achieve optimal womb/overall health with top-quality herbs, proven naturopathic healing expertise, and the patented "Wombversation" technique.

Over 100 certified students.
Created by Hadidah Williams, She.E.O. of Yoni Love Herbals
Last Updated March 2024                    English Course

Course General Overview
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Womb Work is a Calling...

Becoming a certified Yoni Steaming Facilitator is literally a "charge" from the Universe and every village elder who has ever steamed women in the bush of Africa, helping women heal their wombs from past and present trauma. It's a POWERFUL position and a BIG deal! Becoming a Certified YSF means that you will be equipped with the sacred knowledge of the elders and will be able to pass this knowledge on to the customers and women around you, and help to change the current state of women's reproductive health. Fibroids, Poly-cystic ovaries, Endomertirosis, chronic Yeast/ BV infections, and infertility are some of the leading causes of hysterectomy in women in the US every year. The women of the Wombniverse are working hard to change this current condition by training women around the world as Yoni Steaming Facilitators. Yoni Steaming works on the physical ailment present in the womb while addressing the psychological and emotional imbalances that caused the dis-ease, therefore providing holistic healing.


In our Yoni Steaming Facilitator Training, you will be taught everything you need to know about the practice of yoni steaming, get an intense study of the healing herbs used in the steaming process, learn how to attract clients to your business, and give in-depth insight on how to jump-start your business as a Yoni Steaming Facilitator. And the best part about it all is you can study at your own pace while being supported by your sisters in the Wombniverse who have gone through the training just like you!

60 Hours

of Training

The Next Full Moon

Next Enrollment Begins

Making Notes
Benefits of Joining This Course

The era of the awakened Divine Feminine energy is NOW, and we're saving you a spot in the Wombniverse!

If you have always dreamed of successfully running your own yoni steaming business while positively impacting the lives of others, then there's no better time than now to turn your dream into a reality.


Learning inside the classroom on set days and times at a traditional College or University is on a steady decline, and women are hungrier than ever to learn new skills quickly, at their convenience, and have the ability to apply what they learned to generate consistent revenue in their businesses both actively and passively.


The Wombniverse has created an online learning community that educates our students in various topics to help you master the skills you desire and the techniques to apply these skills to enhance your life daily. Our Yoni Steaming Facilitator training gives you the skills you need to:

  • Learn the practice of yoni steaming.

  • Intuitively build a connection with the herbs used during the yoni steaming process.

  • Confidently create yoni steaming blends for various ailments.

  • Learn the techniques for teaching the art of "Wombversation  " to your customers.

  • Confidently launch your own yoni steaming business and scale your business to a profit-generating machine.

  • Complete an in-depth study of the herbs used in yoni steaming and their physical and energetic/spiritual benefits.

  • Benefit from the sisterhood created in our class sessions with peer-to-peer connection building.

  • Embark on and complete your journey of womb healing as we walk through each Gateway of the course in the Wombniverse.

  • Become initiated aa 'Wombman'/Yoni Steaming Facilitator dedicated to helping women around the world to heal their wombs and ultimately their lives from past and present emotional, energetic, and physical trauma.


Wherever you are on your journey as an entrepreneur, our Yoni Steaming Facilitator training gives you the blueprint to a proven business strategy that not only creates a financially stable business model, but also heals women's wombs and creates a life-changing impact on you and your customer's lives. In this course we provide students with the exact blueprint that Yoni Love Herbals has used to become the world's most globally sought-after and purchased yoni steaming and herbal/wholistic feminine care line.


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Master the secrets of womb wellness from the creator of
the world's best yoni steaming brand.

Hadidah has traveled to 5 different countries to sit with the Midwives, Doulas, and yoni steaming experts to learn the ancient techniques that have been used to heal the wombs of women for centuries in hopes to eradicate the use of hysterectomies to heal non-fatal ailments commonly found in the womb. In this yoni steaming facilitator training, you will be taught everything that she has learned during her own quest for healing and the time that has been spent with indigenous communities learning from the elders. 

The Course Curriculum

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This "semi-study-at-your-own-pace" training was created so that even first-time yoni steamers can complete the training feeling fully equipped to begin performing yoni steams on the women in their community and build a successful business. There are 16 Gateways that every student will walk through on their journey of becoming a Yoni Steaming Facilitator. The Gateways include: 


Gateway 1: Opening of the Womb-Way

  • Welcome into this sacred space.

  • "Opening of the womb" ceremony- a journey into your inner essence as a 'Wombman'.

  • Unlocking the power of your womb.

  • Setting Your Intentions for Success.


Gateway 2: An Introduction to the Sacred Practice of Yoni Steaming

  • What is yoni steaming?

  • The history behind yoni steaming.

  • How does yoni steaming REALLY work?

  • Understanding your purpose.

  • The healing process of yoni steaming.

  • My Story... How I turned my pain into my purpose.


Gateway 3: Your Role as a Yoni Steaming Facilitator

  • What is a Yoni Steaming Facilitator?

  • What we Do/Don't do as Yoni Steaming Facilitators.

  • What is the "job" of Yoni Steaming Facilitators?

  • "Holding Space-" an intuitive exercise.


Gateway 4: Yoni Steaming 101: An In-depth Study of the Yoni Steaming Process

  • The supplies you'll need.

  • Important facts to know while performing a yoni steam.

  • Yoni steaming "DO's"

  • Yoni steaming DON'Ts"


Gateway 5: Yoni Steaming- a Sacred Ritual

A: Preparation as the Practitioner

  • Preparing the MIND

  • Preparing the BODY/SPIRIT

  • "The Power of Water"

  • Healing the vessel within- an intuitive exercise

  • Preparing the SPACE

B: Preparation of the Client

  • Preparing the MIND/BODY of your client

  • Feng Shui: A Brief Overview

  • The Use of Color in Your Space: An Overview


Gateway 6: Essential Oils and Yoni Steaming

  • An in-depth study of essential oils and their use in your yoni steaming business.

  • Essential oils and "womb work".


Gateway 7: Yoni Steaming as a Natural Healing Modality

  • The practice of yoni steaming to heal physical ailments.

  • The practice of yoni steaming to balance anxiety, stress, and mental imbalances.

  • Recommendations for yoni steaming.

  • Intuitively creating specific treatment plans for common dis-eases.

  • Understanding the emotional and energetic causes of physical dis-eases.


Gateway 8: Yoni Steaming Herbs

  • An in-depth study of the herbs you will use in your yoni steaming practice.

  • Herbs every yoni steaming practitioner should know.

  • Developing a divinely guided relationship with your herbs.

  • Herbal preparations.

  • Creating herbal formulas.




Gateway 9: The Precursors to Yoni Steaming

  • Your herbs

  • Your equipment

  • Womb massage

  • Ensuring client privacy

  • Wombversation

  • Temazcal rituals


Gateway 10: Yoni Steaming & Postpartum Care

  • Yoni steaming as a postpartum healing modality.

  • Postpartum herbal therapy.

  • Sacred womb wraps, aromatherapy, and castor oil packs.

  • The Sacred Womb Closing Ceremony: helping clients to come back into their bodies after giving birth.

  • Crowned: An in-depth study of the first 40 days following your client's birth and your role as a guide during this sacred time.


Gateway 11: Your Yoni Steaming Business

  • The basics of business management.

  • Location, Location, Location.

  • Cultivating customer relationships.

  • Customer consultations.

  • The Follow-up.

  • From courtship to marriage.


Gateway 12: Building a Postpartum Business with Yoni Steaming 

  • Attracting clients to your postpartum business using Yoni Steaming.

  • Increasing business revenue.

  • Building your postpartum yoni steaming business plan.

  • Marketing your services as a Certified Yoni Steaming Birth Worker.


Gateway 13-16: Yoni Steaming as Your 6-Figure Business Model

  • LIVE Zoom Business Building Sessions with hands-on/peer study and role-playing.






   Whether you're searching for a way to heal your own womb, share your knowledge with the women in your immediate surroundings, or planning on developing and launching your own Yoni steaming company, our Yoni Steaming Facilitator training is a gateway to achieving your fullest potential and impact on your life and the lives of women around the world.


Closing Initiation Ceremony...

   Once you have completed the 16 Gateways to certification, you will be required to attend the closing ceremony to receive your certificate. There are 4 sessions held each year for graduating facilitators. You have the option to attend the closing ceremony in Pennsylvania, U.S., or Senegal, West Africa. The closing ceremony held in Pennsylvania is held over 4 days at our retreat facility and focuses on hands-on demonstration of course techniques learned in the online course, LIVE yoni steaming segments, peer team building exercises, and business mastery workshops. All room and board, meals, and course materials/workbooks are covered in the fee for attending.


  The closing ceremony held in Senegal, West Africa is carried out over 10 days with a significant focus on connecting all students back to the roots where many traditions surrounding womb health & wellness originated, in addition to the 3 days of hands-on demonstration of course techniques learned in the online course, LIVE yoni steaming segments, peer team building exercises, and business mastery workshops. This particular closing ceremony was also created as an opportunity for BIPOC women specifically, to drop the chains of slavery, reconnect to our roots as women coming from the Continent, and reclaiming our rights as womb healers and practitioners. The initiation ceremony in Senegal will include a brief stay in Dakar, Senegal, and the magical/spiritually charged city of Touba. Participants will take a trip to Gor'ee Islnd, "the House of Slaves" where we will complete the "breaking of the chains" ceremony so you can return renewed and liberated to walk in your path as a Yoni Steaming Facilitator but also as a 'Wombman' initiated in the work of healing women's wombs from energetic, emotional, and physical trauma.


The Certification Process...

   Once participants return home from the initiation ceremony, you are required to complete 3 yoni steaming appointments with "clients" and submit proof of the appointment back to Yoni Love Herbals via fax or email. Full details of the paperwork process will be provided to you upon your registration when you enroll in the Facilitator training.


   The successful completion of the Wombniverse's Yoni Steaming Training, the attendance of one of the 4 initiation ceremonies, and the submittal of your proof of Yoni Steaming sessions will result in each participant receiving their certification as a Yoni Steaming Facilitator. Your Yoni Steaming Facilitator certification authorizes you to facilitate the yoni steaming process for other women whether you decide to start a mobile or brick-and-mortar yoni steaming business or simply sell yoni steams to customers looking for naturopathic options for assisting their womb-healing journey. You will also be given significant discounts for business start-up packages offered by Yoni Love Herblas which include but are not limited to YLH Yoni Steaming Storefront/HUB location opportunities, yoni steaming herbs, loose bulk herbs, and yoni steaming equipment. Certificates will be sent to all students as a PDF via email as well as a physical certificate in the mail to students located in the United States.


Course Curriculum
Meet Your Instructor

Hadidah Williams
Yoni Steaming Facilitator Instructor



My Mission is Personal...


For years I suffered from PCOS, frequent yeast infections and I was eventually diagnosed with Uterine Fibroids. I tried using birth control for years to relieve the symptoms of PCOS, not realizing it was contributing to the cause of the frequent yeast infections. My Gynecologist couldn't help me. Monistat couldn't help me. Fluconazole couldn't help me. I was desperate for a solution!


During my quest for healing, I met countless women who too suffered from the same vaginal dis-eases as me, and I knew something had to be done! I decided to start my quest for healing during which time I traveled to 5 countries to sit with the women in different indigenous communities to learn how these women healed their wombs. During my quest, I noticed that there was one practice in particular that was common in each community, and that was the use of herbs and yoni steaming to heal the dis-eases present in the womb of the women in these communities.


In each of these communities, they knew the ultimate reality... that as women, our Yoni's are too powerful and important to be ridden with dis-eases, it has the power to aid us in manifesting everything we desire in life! And because of this, women were not allowed to sit with emotional distress, mental instabilities, or the symptoms of physical dis-eases for any extended period of time. Yoni steaming was a consistent and frequent, ritualistic practice of these women practiced during certain phases of the moon cycle. Since regular check-ins for womb health and wellness and sister circles were a part of everyday life, these women weren't plagued with the same womb dis-eases as women in the West.


Following my quest for healing and during a time of intense seclusion, retreat, and intentional prayer, an elder came into my dreams one night with a bunch of herbs, taught me their healing properties, and gave me the recipes to heal my vaginal issues.

I tried the recipe and it worked!


Through this dream, my obsession with herbs, and the truckloads of knowledge I gained from the women in indigenous communities around the world, I mastered the herbal blends and birthed what is now known to the world as

YONI LOVE HERBALS 'wholistic'/herbal feminine care product line!


Following the successful launch of my business, the placement of my products in several storefronts around the United States, and the opening of several franchise and HUB locations throughout the United States, I decided to create the Wombniverse.

The Wombniverse is a sacred online learning platform for women around the world, created so I can share my knowledge and expertise with all who want to join in hopes of eradicating unneeded medical procedures and hysterectomies as "treatment" for

non-fatal di-eases in the womb. 

WELCOME to the Wombniverse and your Charge to impact the womb health & wellness of the universal Divine Feminine!


-Hadidah Williams, She.E.O. of Yoni Love Herbals

Master Herbalist, Doula, and Yoni Steaming Expert

To work with Hadidah & to register for our next Yoni Steaming Facilitator training/certification

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